It's Not Rust VS Go

include coworker conversation tidbits draft notes:

Go has great concurrency. Goroutines are high-performance, parallel green threads. Rust's concurrency is provably-correct.

Why is the immediate question when someone says they wrote something in Go, "why not rust?". The inverse is true. When I tell a dev I wrote something in Rust, the immediate response is "you should have used Go, it's better." This is false.

What does suck about Rust? The compiler is slow. It will probably always be a degree of magnitude slower than another compiler for a similar target.

It's not Rust VS Go, it's when to use Rust and when to use Go. And the number one argument I get for why Go should be used is it's simpler and faster to learn and work with. There's the answer! The answer is use whichever one works best for you. There's no better or worse, or superiority. Redditors will say otherwise.


Go vs Rust discussions are ridiculous. It should be more like: When to use Go. When to use Rust. When to use X… — Inanc Gumus (@inancgumus) September 19, 2019 source