
My name is Adam Carpenter (on some sites I'm 53hornet). I am a professional computer programmer and hobbyist mechanic, am married to my wonderful wife, Amy, and a puppy parent to Clementine, a Cocker Spaniel. This is my web site.

What Will You Find Here?

This site is my home on the web. I post things I've learned, things I want to share, and things I don't want to forget. I am generally interested in and generally post about:


The views on this web site are entirely mine! That should go without saying. They don't reflect my company, co-workers, friends, family, dog, or anyone I mention anywhere in any way.

When you're reading something from 2 years ago, that was my opinion 2 years ago. Times change and so can I, so please try to keep that in mind. I normally don't go back and edit old posts, but prefer to make new ones. For small updates or changes, I will add footnotes at the bottom of existing posts.

If I reference an external public profile or site as fact, I will do so with links so you can go and read the source.


My web server has an access log. By visiting this site you're surrendering:

That's it. I do not advertise on this site, read your cookies, or perform any kind of social media tracking. I also proudly don't have any JavaScript on my site.

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