/* * Adds an event listener to all burgers to toggle navbar menu on click. */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const $navbarBurgers = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.navbar-burger'), 0); if ($navbarBurgers.length > 0) { // add a click event on each of them $navbarBurgers.forEach(function(el) { el.addEventListener('click', function () { // get the target from the 'data-target' attribute const target = el.dataset.target; const $target = document.getElementById(target); // toggle the 'is-active' class on both the 'navbar-burger' and the 'navbar-menu' el.classList.toggle('is-active'); $target.classList.toggle('is-active'); }); }); } }); const disableErrorBox = function() { document.getElementById("errorBox").style.display = "none"; } const disableSuccessBox = function() { document.getElementById("successBox").style.display = "none"; } const enableErrorBox = function(message) { const errorBox = document.getElementById("errorBox"); let aTag = document.createElement('a'); aTag.setAttribute("href", "mailto:amy@carpentertutoring.com"); aTag.innerText = message + " Click here to send through your mail client."; while (errorBox.hasChildNodes()) { errorBox.removeChild(errorBox.lastChild); } errorBox.appendChild(aTag); errorBox.style.display = "block"; } const enableSuccessBox = function() { document.getElementById("successBox").style.display = "block"; } /* * Adds mail sender to form submit. */ document.forms.inquiry.onsubmit = function() { disableErrorBox(); disableSuccessBox(); const form = document.forms.inquiry; const name = form.elements.name.value; const fromEmail = form.elements.from.value; const body = form.elements.body.value; Email.send({ SecureToken : "cec9bc04-de48-48fd-b1ad-a95cffb41468", To : "atc@53hor.net", From : fromEmail, Subject : "Inquiry: " + name, Body : body, }).then(message => { if (message == "OK") { form.reset(); enableSuccessBox(); } else { enableErrorBox(message); } } ); return false; }