--- permalink: "/{{slug}}" title: Contact description: How to Get in Touch with Me layout: page.liquid --- # RSS Feed You can keep track of all of my posts by subscribing to my RSS feed. By doing this you'll get to read my posts offline, without having to visit the site. You'll also be able to format the posts in your reader of choice. To do this, ... # Chat Room You can get in touch with me directly in my [chat room](https://nextcloud.53hor.net/call/8caf3jsy). # The `53hornet` Handle My handle pretty much everywhere online is `53hornet`. If you want to get in touch with me on a given site, check for that username first. While I do have accounts on Facebook, Reddit, GitHub, etc. I do not frequent these sites. I don't "do" social media. That's why I built this site. # YouTube I have two primary YouTube accounts: `53hornet` and `STMUAC`. # LinkedIn I have a LinkedIn in case you're trying to connect with me professionally. I do not actively participate on LinkedIn, it really just existed as my resume-holder before this site was finished. # Resume Here is a link to my resume. I keep it updated frequently so I don't forget the types of things I've worked on. There is also a download link for a PDF version. # Email Email is really the best way of reaching me. Even if I don't respond immediately, everything in my inbox is like an indexed to-do list so I'll get to it eventually. You can write to me about cars, programming projects, etc. but you may not solicit me. That I won't respond to.