all: gcc -Wall -o rgpp rgpp.c -lm clean: rm rgpp debug: gcc -Wall -g -o rgpp rgpp.c -lm test: gcc -Wall -o rgpp rgpp.c -lm # a) [6 pts] Straightforward line mode with a banner and line numbers: grep -r -H -n -s -I -i the p2test | ./rgpp -l -b -n # b) [7 pts] Straightforward word mode with a banner and line numbers: grep -r -H -n -s -I -i the p2test | ./rgpp -w the -b -n # c) [4 pts] Dealing with lots of files/hits: grep -r -H -n -s -I -i the /usr/share/gutenprint | ./rgpp -l -b > output # a) [1 pt] Invalid option (must produce error message): grep -r -H -n -s -I -i the p2test | ./rgpp -l -b -k # b) [1 pt] Invalid first option (must produce error message): grep -r -H -n -s -I -i the p2test | ./rgpp -n -l -b # c) [1 pt] Mismatch problems (no message and garbage out OK): grep -r -H -n -s -I -i se p2test | ./rgpp -w the -b -n rm rgpp