/******************************************************************/ /* This file is part of the homework assignments for CSCI-427/527 */ /* at The College of William & Mary and authored by Pieter Peers. */ /* No part of this file, whether altered or in original form, can */ /* be distributed or used outside the context of CSCI-427/527 */ /* without consent of either the College of William & Mary or */ /* Pieter Peers. */ /******************************************************************/ #ifndef _SCALE3D_H_ #define _SCALE3D_H_ #include "transformation3d.h" class scale3d : public transformation3d { public: ////////////////// // Constructors // ////////////////// scale3d(void); scale3d(float uniformScale); scale3d(float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ); scale3d(const scale3d& s); }; #endif /* _SCALE3D_H_ */