/******************************************************************/ /* This file is part of the homework assignments for CSCI-427/527 */ /* at The College of William & Mary and authored by Pieter Peers. */ /* No part of this file, whether altered or in original form, can */ /* be distributed or used outside the context of CSCI-427/527 */ /* without consent of either the College of William & Mary or */ /* Pieter Peers. */ /******************************************************************/ #include #include "constants.h" #include "phongBrdf.h" #include "coordinateTransform.h" ////////////////// // Constructors // ////////////////// phongBrdf::phongBrdf(const color& albedo, float sharpness) { _albedo = albedo; _sharpness = sharpness; } phongBrdf::phongBrdf(const phongBrdf& src) { _albedo = src._albedo; _sharpness = src._sharpness; } /////////////// // Operators // /////////////// phongBrdf& phongBrdf::operator=(const phongBrdf& src) { _assign(src); return *this; } ///////////// // Methods // ///////////// color phongBrdf::shade(const vec3d& in, const vec3d& out) const { // sanity check (below horizon) if(in.z < 0.0f || out.z < 0.0f) return color(0.0f); // compute reflected direction (simplies when n=(0,0,1)) vec3d reflected(-in.x, -in.y, in.z); // evaluate phong return _albedo * std::pow(std::max( reflected.dot(out), 0.0f), _sharpness); } color phongBrdf::reflectance(const vec3d& in, const vec3d& out) const { // use shade evaluation times a normalization factor to ensure // conservation of enegery. return shade(in, out) * (_sharpness + 2.0f) / (2.0f * PI); } brdfSample phongBrdf::sample(const vec3d& in, float r1, float r2) const { // sanity check if(in.z < 0.0f) return brdfSample(); // compute reflected direction vec3d reflected(-in.x, -in.y, in.z); // sample hemisphere around reflected direction. vec3d out( sqrt( 1.0f - pow(r1, 2.0f / (_sharpness + 1.0f)) ) * cos(2.0f * PI * r2), sqrt( 1.0f - pow(r1, 2.0f / (_sharpness + 1.0f)) ) * sin(2.0f * PI * r2), pow(r1, 1.0f / (_sharpness + 1.0f)) ); // transform to global coord coordinateTransformation trans(reflected); out = trans.transformDirection(out); // compute pdf float pdf = 0.0f; if(out.z >= 0.0f) pdf = (_sharpness + 1.0f) / (2.0f * PI) * pow(reflected.dot(out), _sharpness); // Done. return brdfSample(out, pdf, this->reflectance(in, out)); } bool phongBrdf::isSpecular(void) const { // Consider low roughness to be diffuse. // Use 5.0f as an arbitrary threshold. return (_sharpness > 5.0f); } bool phongBrdf::isDiffuse(void) const { return !isSpecular(); } float phongBrdf::reflectivity(void) const { // Done. return (_albedo.r + _albedo.g + _albedo.b) / 3.0f; } ///////////////////// // Private Methods // ///////////////////// void phongBrdf::_assign(const phongBrdf& src) { _albedo = src._albedo; _sharpness = src._sharpness; } void phongBrdf::_swap(phongBrdf& src) { swap(_albedo, src._albedo); std::swap(_sharpness, src._sharpness); } void phongBrdf::_print(std::ostream& s) const { s << "Phong BRDF: albedo=" << _albedo << ", sharpness=" << _sharpness; }