extern crate byteorder; extern crate chrono; extern crate clap; #[cfg(not(windows))] extern crate libc; #[cfg(windows)] extern crate kernel32; #[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt}; use chrono::DateTime; use chrono::Duration as ChronoDuration; use chrono::{Datelike, TimeZone, Timelike}; use chrono::{Local, Utc}; use clap::{App, Arg}; use std::mem::zeroed; use std::net::UdpSocket; use std::time::Duration; const NTP_MESSAGE_LENGTH: usize = 48; // 12*4 bytes const NTP_TO_UNIX_SECONDS: i64 = 2_208_988_800; const LOCAL_ADDR: &'static str = ""; #[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)] struct NTPTimestamp { seconds: u32, fraction: u32, } struct NTPMessage { data: [u8; NTP_MESSAGE_LENGTH], } #[derive(Debug)] struct NTPResult { t1: DateTime, t2: DateTime, t3: DateTime, t4: DateTime, } impl NTPResult { fn offset(&self) -> i64 { let duration = (self.t2 - self.t1) + (self.t3 - self.t4); duration.num_milliseconds() / 2 } fn delay(&self) -> i64 { let duration = (self.t4 - self.t1) - (self.t3 - self.t2); duration.num_milliseconds() } } impl From for DateTime { fn from(ntp: NTPTimestamp) -> Self { let secs = ntp.seconds as i64 - NTP_TO_UNIX_SECONDS; let mut nanos = ntp.fraction as f64; nanos *= 1e9; nanos /= 2_f64.powi(32); Utc.timestamp(secs, nanos as u32) } } impl From> for NTPTimestamp { fn from(utc: DateTime) -> Self { let secs = utc.timestamp() + NTP_TO_UNIX_SECONDS; let mut fraction = utc.nanosecond() as f64; fraction *= 2_f64.powi(32); fraction /= 1e9; NTPTimestamp { seconds: secs as u32, fraction: fraction as u32, } } } impl NTPMessage { fn new() -> Self { NTPMessage { data: [0; NTP_MESSAGE_LENGTH], } } fn client() -> Self { const VERSION: u8 = 3; const MODE: u8 = 3; let mut msg = NTPMessage::new(); // the first byte of every NTP message contains three fields, // but we only need to set two of them msg.data[0] |= VERSION << 3; msg.data[0] |= MODE; msg } fn parse_timestamp(&self, i: usize) -> Result { let mut reader = &self.data[i..i + 8]; let seconds = reader.read_u32::()?; let fraction = reader.read_u32::()?; Ok(NTPTimestamp { seconds: seconds, fraction: fraction, }) } fn rx_time(&self) -> Result { self.parse_timestamp(32) } fn tx_time(&self) -> Result { self.parse_timestamp(40) } } fn weighted_mean(values: &[f64], weights: &[f64]) -> f64 { let mut result = 0.0; let mut sum_of_weights = 0.0; for (v, w) in values.iter().zip(weights) { result += v * w; sum_of_weights += w; } result / sum_of_weights } fn ntp_roundtrip(host: &str, port: u16) -> Result { let destination = format!("{}:{}", host, port); let timeout = Duration::from_secs(1); let request = NTPMessage::client(); let mut response = NTPMessage::new(); let message = request.data; let udp = UdpSocket::bind(LOCAL_ADDR)?; udp.connect(&destination).expect("unable to connect"); let t1 = Utc::now(); udp.send(&message)?; udp.set_read_timeout(Some(timeout))?; udp.recv_from(&mut response.data)?; let t4 = Utc::now(); let t2: DateTime = response.rx_time().unwrap().into(); let t3: DateTime = response.tx_time().unwrap().into(); Ok(NTPResult { t1: t1, t2: t2, t3: t3, t4: t4, }) } fn check_time() -> Result { const NTP_PORT: u16 = 123; let servers = [ "time.nist.gov", "time.apple.com", "time.euro.apple.com", "time.google.com", "time2.google.com", //"time.windows.com", ]; let mut times = Vec::with_capacity(servers.len()); for &server in servers.iter() { print!("{} =>", server); let calc = ntp_roundtrip(&server, NTP_PORT); match calc { Ok(time) => { println!(" {}ms away from local system time", time.offset()); times.push(time); } Err(_) => println!(" ? [response took too long]"), }; } let mut offsets = Vec::with_capacity(servers.len()); let mut offset_weights = Vec::with_capacity(servers.len()); for time in × { let offset = time.offset() as f64; let delay = time.delay() as f64; let weight = 1_000_000.0 / (delay * delay); // <3> if weight.is_finite() { offsets.push(offset); offset_weights.push(weight); } } let avg_offset = weighted_mean(&offsets, &offset_weights); Ok(avg_offset) } struct Clock; impl Clock { fn get() -> DateTime { Local::now() } #[cfg(windows)] fn set(t: DateTime) -> () { use chrono::Weekday; use kernel32::SetSystemTime; use winapi::{SYSTEMTIME, WORD}; let t = t.with_timezone(&Local); let mut systime: SYSTEMTIME = unsafe { zeroed() }; let dow = match t.weekday() { Weekday::Mon => 1, Weekday::Tue => 2, Weekday::Wed => 3, Weekday::Thu => 4, Weekday::Fri => 5, Weekday::Sat => 6, Weekday::Sun => 0, }; let mut ns = t.nanosecond(); let is_leap_second = ns > 1_000_000_000; if is_leap_second { ns -= 1_000_000_000; } systime.wYear = t.year() as WORD; systime.wMonth = t.month() as WORD; systime.wDayOfWeek = dow as WORD; systime.wDay = t.day() as WORD; systime.wHour = t.hour() as WORD; systime.wMinute = t.minute() as WORD; systime.wSecond = t.second() as WORD; systime.wMilliseconds = (ns / 1_000_000) as WORD; let systime_ptr = &systime as *const SYSTEMTIME; // as *mut SYSTEMTIME; // convert to a pointer, then change its mutability unsafe { SetSystemTime(systime_ptr); // giving a pointer to a value to something outside of Rust's control is unsafe } } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn set(t: DateTime) -> () { use libc::settimeofday; use libc::{suseconds_t, time_t, timeval, timezone}; let t = t.with_timezone(&Local); // variable names indicate the data's progression let mut u: timeval = unsafe { zeroed() }; // through the function u.tv_sec = t.timestamp() as time_t; u.tv_usec = t.timestamp_subsec_micros() as suseconds_t; unsafe { let mock_tz: *const timezone = std::ptr::null(); settimeofday(&u as *const timeval, mock_tz); } } } fn main() { let app = App::new("clock") .version("0.1.3") .about("Gets and sets the time.") .after_help("Note: UNIX timestamps are parsed as whole seconds since 1st January 1970 0:00:00 UTC. For more accuracy, use another format.") .arg(Arg::with_name("action") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["get", "set", "check-ntp"]) .default_value("get")) .arg(Arg::with_name("std") .short("s") .long("use-standard") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["rfc2822", "rfc3339", "timestamp"]) .default_value("rfc3339")) .arg(Arg::with_name("datetime") .help("When is 'set', apply . Otherwise, ignore.")); let args = app.get_matches(); let action = args.value_of("action").unwrap(); // default_value() has been supplied, let std = args.value_of("std").unwrap(); // so it's safe to use .unwrap() if action == "set" { let t_ = args.value_of("datetime").unwrap(); let parser = match std { "rfc2822" => DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822, "rfc3339" => DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339, _ => unimplemented!(), }; let err_msg = format!("Unable to parse {} according to {}", t_, std); let t = parser(t_).expect(&err_msg); Clock::set(t); } else if action == "check-ntp" { let offset = check_time().unwrap() as isize; let adjust_ms = offset.signum() * offset.abs().min(200) / 5; let adjust_ms_ = ChronoDuration::milliseconds(adjust_ms as i64); let now: DateTime = Utc::now() + adjust_ms_; Clock::set(now); } let maybe_error = std::io::Error::last_os_error(); let os_error_code = &maybe_error.raw_os_error(); match os_error_code { Some(0) => (), None => (), _ => eprintln!("Unable to set the time: {:?}", maybe_error), } let now = Clock::get(); match std { "timestamp" => println!("{}", now.timestamp()), "rfc2822" => println!("{}", now.to_rfc2822()), "rfc3339" => println!("{}", now.to_rfc3339()), _ => unreachable!(), } }