--- pagetitle: Transportation ---
# Transportation ## Ways to get around the island ### Harriet’s House Golf Cart Rentals Contact Tiffany or Tara at [(419) 341-2191](tel: 419-341-2191). The rates are $55/day 9AM-6PM for a four-passenger cart ($20 overnight fee\*). _This fee will be waived if you state you are with the Squire/Carpenter wedding._
\*Overnight carts are due back at 11AM. ### Golf Cart Depot Contact Rich at [(419) 779-5147](tel: 419-779-5147). The going rate for a four-passenger cart is $70/day 9AM-6PM, $90 overnight, $170 for two nights, and $240 for three nights\*. The going rate for a six-passenger cart is $95/day 9AM-6PM, $115 overnight, $205 for two nights, and $280 for three nights\*. _State you are with the Squire-Carpenter wedding to receive a 15% discount. This does not apply if booked online._
\*Overnight carts are due back at 11AM.