# Contributing ## Guidelines - This project uses [conventional commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) - This project uses [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/) - Please fork, work on a feature branch, and then submit a PR - Please prefer preserving backwards compatibility ## Getting Started - A text editor; any will do, but if you use VSCode, it will ask if you want the recommended extensions for this project - [The Rust Toolchain and `cargo`](https://rustup.rs) - GNU Make (optional but helpful) To compile: `$ cargo build` To run: `$ cargo run --bin angelsharkcli` or `$ cargo run --bin angelsharkd` To open the library documentation: `$ cargo doc --no-deps --open` ## Finding Work To Do - Check the project issue tracker for fixes and feature requests - Search for `todo!()` macros in the code itself; this typically indicates an unimplemented function or method that needs work. - Search for `TODO:` comments in the code itself