use log::{error, info}; use std::convert::Infallible; pub use types::Haystack; use types::*; use warp::{ body::{content_length_limit, json}, get, hyper::{header, StatusCode}, path, post, reply::{self, with}, Filter, Rejection, Reply, }; mod types; /// Returns a warp filter to handle HTTP POSTs for searching the haystack. pub fn search_filter( haystack: Haystack, ) -> impl Filter + Clone { path("search") .and(post()) .and(content_length_limit(1024 * 16)) .and(json()) .and_then(move |needles: Needles| search(haystack.to_owned(), needles)) .with(with::header(header::PRAGMA, "no-cache")) .with(with::header(header::CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store, max-age=0")) .with(with::header(header::X_FRAME_OPTIONS, "DENY")) } /// Returns a warp filter to handle HTTP GETs for refreshing the haystack. pub fn refresh_filter( haystack: Haystack, ) -> impl Filter + Clone { path!("search" / "refresh") .and(get()) .and_then(move || refresh(haystack.to_owned())) } /// Runs the search request to find all needles in the haystack and converts the /// results into a reply. async fn search(haystack: Haystack, needles: Needles) -> Result { match { Ok(matches) => Ok(reply::with_status(reply::json(&matches), StatusCode::OK)), Err(e) => Ok(reply::with_status( reply::json(&e.to_string()), StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, )), } } /// Immediately returns. Spawns an asynchronous task to complete the haystack /// refresh in the background. async fn refresh(haystack: Haystack) -> Result { // Run refresh as a background task and immediately return. tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = haystack.refresh() { error!("{}", e.to_string()); // TODO: use logger } else { info!("Search haystack refreshed."); } }); Ok("Refresh scheduled") }