
About Me

My name is Adam Carpenter (on some sites I'm 53hornet) and this is my personal web site.

I am a professional computer programmer. I also see myself as a loving husband and doting puppy parent.

You can find my detailed CV here.

What Will You Find Here?

This site is my home on the web. I post things I've learned, things I want to share, and things I don't want to forget. I am generally interested in:

Web Log

I run a web log on this site. It's index is at the site index but you can find detailed categories here

Self-Hosted Apps and Games

Personal Software Projects & Repositories

Contacting Me

You can write to I also exist on the following sites but may or may not use them that often. E-mail is the best way to reach me.

I'm also testing out Tox as an alternative to apps like Discord, so you can message me there for the time being.



The views on this web site are entirely mine! That should go without saying. They don't reflect my company, co-workers, friends, family, dog, or anyone I mention anywhere in any way.

I prefer not to go back and edit old posts. So when you're reading something from 2 years ago, that was my opinion 2 years ago. Times change and so can I, so please try to keep that in mind.

If I reference an external public profile or site as fact, I will do so with links so you can go and read the source.


My web server has an access log. As the following, by visiting this site you're surrendering:


Content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Source code on this site, unless otherwise stated, is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.

The structure and content of this page are loosely based on Justin Wernick's about page.