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      <h1>Left Lane is for Passing, Not Cruising</h1>

        Greetings fellow drivers of Hampton Roads. You may have noticed a new
        sign on I264 today that befuddled or confused you. It went something
        along the lines of

      <blockquote>LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING NOT CRUISING</blockquote>

        Believe it or not this has been the law throughout Virginia for years
          >read about it here</a
        >). The law states you keep right except while passing. In most other
        states things work this way but in Virginia, especially around here, the
        left lane is treated as a moving, cruising lane. If you're in the left
        lane and you've completed a pass please be mindful of the cars behind
        you and move back over into the right-hand lane(s) so that other drivers
        can do the same.

        It's really nice when this is practiced (like I said, I've experienced
        it in other states) because you can easily move over when there are slow
        vehicles ahead and then continue on your merry way. It reduces
        congestion and prevents people from having to pass in the right lane,
        which is both annoying and dangerous. Especially since this is typically
        the lane cars from entrance and exit ramps are merging with.

        Don't forget too that it isn't rude or road-rage-y for someone behind
        you to honk their horn or flash their lights if you're moving too slowly
        in the passing lane. This is a perfectly polite request to pass you. You
        don't set or enforce the speed limit. The correct (and legal) thing to
        do, believe it or not, is to move over and slow down to let them pass
        you. It's all about safe and sane driving etiquette. If you aren't
        actively passing other cars, move on over to the right. It goes a long