path: root/unix
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Diffstat (limited to 'unix')
5 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ebe97
--- /dev/null
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+permalink: "/posts/{{categories}}/{{slug}}"
+title: The Best Way to Transfer GoPro Files with Linux
+ - technology
+ - gopro
+ - camera
+ - video
+ - download
+ - linux
+ - wireless
+published_date: "2019-07-04 21:54:49 +0000"
+layout: post.liquid
+is_draft: false
+excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
+Transferring files off of most cameras to a Linux computer isn't all that
+difficult. The exception is my GoPro Hero 4 Black. For 4th of July week I took
+a bunch of video with the GoPro, approximately 20 MP4 files, about 3GB each.
+The annoying thing about the GoPro's USB interface is you need additional
+software to download everything through the cable. The camera doesn't just show
+up as a USB filesystem that you can mount. The GoPro does have a micro-SD card
+but I was away from home and didn't have any dongles or adapters. Both of these
+solutions also mean taking the camera out of its waterproof case and off of its
+mount. So here's what I did.
+GoPro cameras, after the Hero 3, can open up an ad-hoc wireless network that
+lets you browse the GoPro's onboard files through an HTTP server. This means
+you can open your browser and scroll through the files on the camera at an
+intranet address, ``, and download them one by one by clicking every
+link on every page. If you have a lot of footage on there it kinda sucks. So, I
+opened up the manual for `wget`. I'm sure you could get really fancy with some
+of the options but the only thing I cared about was downloading every single
+MP4 video off of the camera, automatically. I did not want to download any of
+the small video formats or actual HTML files. Here's what I used:
+wget --recursive --accept "*.MP4"
+This tells `wget` to download all of the files at the GoPro's address
+recursively and skips any that don't have the MP4 extension. Now I've got a
+directory tree with all of my videos in it. And the best part is I didn't have
+to install the dinky GoPro app on my laptop. Hopefully this helps if you're
+looking for an easy way to migrate lots of footage without manually clicking
+through the web interface or installing additional software. The only downside
+is if you're moving a whole lot of footage, it's not nearly as quick as just
+moving files off the SD card. So I'd shoot for using the adapter to read off
+the card first and only use this if that's not an option, such as when the
+camera is mounted and you don't want to move it.
+Some things I would like to change/add:
+- Download all image files as well; should be easy, just another `--accept`
+- Initiate parallel downloads
+- Clean up the directory afterwards so I just have one level of depth
+I could probably write a quick and dirty shell script to do all of this for me
+but I use the camera so infrequently that it's probably not even worth it.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14aaab4
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+permalink: "/posts/{{categories}}/{{slug}}"
+title: My Preferred Method for Data Recovery
+ - life
+ - data
+ - file
+ - photo
+ - recovery
+ - linux
+ - photorec
+excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
+published_date: "2019-09-28 20:20:05 +0000"
+layout: post.liquid
+is_draft: false
+This week Amy plugged in her flash drive to discover that there were no files
+on it. Weeks before there had been dozens of large cuts of footage that she
+needed to edit down for work. Hours of recordings were seemingly gone. And the
+most annoying part was the drive had worked perfectly on several other
+occasions. Just not now that the footage was actually needed of course.
+Initially it looked like everything had been wiped clean, however both Amy's
+Mac and her PC thought the drive was half full. It's overall capacity was 64GB
+but it showed only about 36GB free. So there still had to be data on there if
+we could find the right tool to salvage it.
+Luckily this wasn't the first time I had to recover accidentally (or magically)
+deleted files. I had previously done so with some success at my tech support
+job, for some college friends, and for my in-laws' retired laptops. So I had a
+pretty clear idea of what to expect. The only trick was finding a tool that
+knew what files it was looking for. The camera that took the video clips was a
+Sony and apparently they record into `m2ts` files, which are kind of a unique
+format in that they only show up on Blu-Ray discs and Sony camcorders. Enter my
+favorite two tools for dealing with potentially-destroyed data: `ddrescue` and
+## DDRescue
+`ddrescue` is a godsend of a tool. If you've ever used `dd` before, forget
+about it. Use `ddrescue`. You might as well `alias dd=ddrescue` because it's
+that great. By default it has a plethora of additional options, displays the
+progress as it works, recovers and retries in the event of I/O errors, and does
+everything that good old `dd` can do. It's particularly good at protecting
+partitions or disks that have been corrupted or damaged by rescuing undamaged
+portions first. Oh, and have you ever had to cancel a `dd` operation? Did I
+mention that `ddrescue` can pause and resume operations? It's that good.
+## PhotoRec
+`photorec` is probably the best missing file recovery tool I've ever used in my
+entire life. And I've used quite a few. I've never had as good results as I've
+had with `photorec` with other tools like Recuva et. al. And `photorec` isn't
+just for photos, it can recover documents (a la Office suite), music, images,
+config files, and videos (including the very odd `m2ts` format!). The other
+nice thing is `photorec` will work on just about any source. It's also free
+software which makes me wonder why there are like $50 recovery tools for
+Windows that look super sketchy.
+## In Practice
+So here's what I did to get Amy's files back. Luckily she didn't write anything
+out to the drive afterward so the chances (I thought) were pretty good that I
+would get *something* back. The first thing I always do is make a full image of
+whatever media I'm trying to recover from. I do this for a couple of reasons.
+First of all it's a backup. If something goes wrong during recovery I don't
+have to worry about the original, fragile media being damaged or wiped.
+Furthermore, I can work with multiple copies at a time. If it's a large image
+that means multiple tools or even multiple PCs can work on it at once. It's
+also just plain faster working off a disk image than a measly flash drive. So I
+used `ddrescue` to make an image of Amy's drive.
+$ sudo ddrescue /dev/sdb1 amy-lexar.dd
+GNU ddrescue 1.24
+Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
+ ipos: 54198 kB, non-trimmed: 0 B, current rate: 7864 kB/s
+ opos: 54198 kB, non-scraped: 0 B, average rate: 18066 kB/s
+non-tried: 63967 MB, bad-sector: 0 B, error rate: 0 B/s
+ rescued: 54198 kB, bad areas: 0, run time: 2s
+pct rescued: 0.08%, read errors: 0, remaining time: 59m
+ time since last successful read: n/a
+Copying non-tried blocks... Pass 1 (forwards)
+The result was a very large partition image that I could fearlessly play around
+$ ll amy-lexar.dd
+-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 60G Sep 24 02:45 amy-lexar.dd
+Then I could run `photorec` on the image. This brings up a TUI with all of the
+listed media that I can try and recover from.
+$ sudo photorec amy-lexar.dd
+PhotoRec 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
+Christophe GRENIER <>
+ PhotoRec is free software, and
+Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):
+>Disk amy-lexar.dd - 64 GB / 59 GiB (RO)
+>[Proceed ] [ Quit ]
+Disk capacity must be correctly detected for a successful recovery.
+If a disk listed above has incorrect size, check HD jumper settings, BIOS
+detection, and install the latest OS patches and disk drivers.
+After hitting proceed `photorec` asks if you want to scan just a particular
+partition or the whole disk (if you made a whole disk image). I can usually get
+away with just selecting the partition I know the files are on and starting a
+PhotoRec 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
+Christophe GRENIER <>
+Disk amy-lexar.dd - 64 GB / 59 GiB (RO)
+ Partition Start End Size in sectors
+ Unknown 0 0 1 7783 139 4 125042656 [Whole disk]
+> P FAT32 0 0 1 7783 139 4 125042656 [NO NAME]
+>[ Search ] [Options ] [File Opt] [ Quit ]
+ Start file recovery
+Then `photorec` asks a couple of questions about the formatting of the media.
+It can usually figure them out all by itself so I just use the default options
+unless it's way out in left field.
+PhotoRec 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
+Christophe GRENIER <>
+ P FAT32 0 0 1 7783 139 4 125042656 [NO NAME]
+To recover lost files, PhotoRec need to know the filesystem type where the
+file were stored:
+ [ ext2/ext3 ] ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
+>[ Other ] FAT/NTFS/HFS+/ReiserFS/...
+Now this menu is where I don't just go with the default path. `photorec` will
+offer to search just unallocated space or the entire partition. I always go for
+the whole partition here; sometimes I'll get back files that I didn't really
+care about but more often than not I end up rescuing more data this way. In
+this scenario searching just unallocated space found no files at all. So I told
+`photorec` to search everything.
+PhotoRec 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
+Christophe GRENIER <>
+ P FAT32 0 0 1 7783 139 4 125042656 [NO NAME]
+Please choose if all space need to be analysed:
+ [ Free ] Scan for file from FAT32 unallocated space only
+>[ Whole ] Extract files from whole partition
+Now it'll ask where you want to save any files it finds. I threw them all into
+a directory under home that I could zip up and send to Amy's Mac later.
+PhotoRec 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
+Please select a destination to save the recovered files.
+Do not choose to write the files to the same partition they were stored on.
+Keys: Arrow keys to select another directory
+ C when the destination is correct
+ Q to quit
+Directory /home/adam
+ drwx------ 1000 1000 4096 28-Sep-2019 12:10 .
+ drwxr-xr-x 0 0 4096 26-Jan-2019 15:32 ..
+>drwxr-xr-x 1000 1000 4096 28-Sep-2019 12:10 amy-lexar-recovery
+And then just press `C`. `photrec` will start copying all of the files it finds
+into that directory. It reports what kinds of files it found and how many it
+was able to locate. I was able to recover all of Amy's lost footage this way,
+past, along with some straggler files that had been on the drive at one point.
+This has worked for me many times in the past, both on newer devices like flash
+drives and on super old, sketchy IDE hard drives. I probably won't ever pay for
+data recovery unless a drive has been physically damaged in some way. In other
+words, this software works great for me and I don't foresee the need for
+anything else out there. It's simple to use and is typically pretty reliable.
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9936ad4
--- /dev/null
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+permalink: "/posts/{{categories}}/{{slug}}"
+title: Now This is a Minimal Install!
+ - technology
+ - unix
+ - FreeBSD
+ - packages
+ - poudriere
+ - saneness
+excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
+published_date: "2020-07-26 15:21:13 +0000"
+layout: post.liquid
+is_draft: false
+Now this is a minimal install!
+I just got done configuring Poudriere on Freebsd 12.1-RELEASE. The awesome
+thing about it is it allows you to configure and maintain your own package
+repository. All of the ports and their dependencies are built from source with
+personalized options. That means that I can maintain my own repo of just the
+packages I need with just the compile-time options I need. For example, for the
+Nvidia driver set I disabled all Wayland related flags. I use Xorg so there was
+no need to have that functionality built in.
+Compile times are pretty long but I hope to change that by upgrading my home
+server to FreeBSD as well (from Ubuntu Server). Then I can configure poudriere
+to serve up a ports tree and my own pkg repo from there. The server is a lot
+faster than my laptop and will build packages way faster, and I'll be able to
+use those packages on both the server and my laptop and any jails I have
+running. Jails (and ZFS) also make poudriere really cool to use as all of the
+building is done inside a jail. When the time comes I can just remove the jail
+and poudriere ports tree from my laptop and update pkg to point to my web
+This is, as I understand it, the sane way to do package management in FreeBSD.
+The binary package repo is basically the ports tree pre-assembled with default
+options. Sometimes those packages are compiled without functionality that most
+users don't need. In those situations, you're forced to use ports. The trouble
+is you're not really supposed to mix ports and binary packages. The reason,
+again as I understand it, is because ports are updated more frequently. So
+binary packages and ports can have different dependency versions, which can
+sometimes break compatibility on an upgrade. Most FreeBSD users recommend
+installing everything with ports (which is just a make install inside the local
+tree) but then you lose the package management features that come with pkg.
+Poudriere lets you kind of do both by creating your "own personal binary repo"
+out of a list of preconfigured, pre-built ports.
+FreeBSD rocks.
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d7e5f4
--- /dev/null
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+permalink: "/posts/{{categories}}/{{slug}}"
+title: Dear God Why Are PDF Editors Such an Ordeal?
+categories: []
+tags: []
+excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
+layout: post.liquid
+is_draft: true
+All PDF editors/mergers/tools either:
+1. Cost hundreds of dollars
+1. Require uploading private documents to a server for processing
+1. Leave watermarks or charge you for "pro" features
+1. Are blatant malware
+Except mupdf and mutool, which are absolutely amazing.
diff --git a/unix/ b/unix/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e20c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unix/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+excerpt_separator: "\n\n\n"
+permalink: "/posts/{{categories}}/{{slug}}"
+title: The Quest for Automated BluRay Ripping
+categories: []
+tags: []
+layout: post.liquid
+is_draft: true
+-> Start here <-