BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
blogfeat: tracing and env varsAdam T. Carpenter4 days
brochurefeat: replace contact form with direct email linkAdam T. Carpenter3 months
devfeat: rust serverAdam T. Carpenter10 months
evalsfeat(evals): moved from PHP to Rust+Warp53hornet3 years
feature/8closed a bunch of issuesAdam T. Carpenter3 years
masterfix: nix other instrument optionsAdam T. Carpenter10 days
proposalfeat: upload form and password encryption completeAdam T. Carpenter15 months
releasefeat: tracing and env varsAdam T. Carpenter4 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
4 daysfeat: tracing and env varsreleaseblogAdam T. Carpenter
5 daysfix: odds and endsAdam T. Carpenter
5 daysfeat: reverse sort posts by modify datetimeAdam T. Carpenter
5 daysfeat: working rudimentary blog presentationAdam T. Carpenter
5 daysfeat: rewrite completeAdam T. Carpenter
5 daysfeat: impl tutors/about/team viewAdam T. Carpenter
10 daysfeat: teams and blurbs but lots of todosAdam T. Carpenter
12 daysfeat: serve static and assets add policies and index from baseAdam T. Carpenter
12 daysfeat: basic markdown post to html page loadingAdam T. Carpenter
2024-06-09fix: mobile brochure viewingAdam T. Carpenter