path: root/_bulma/node_modules/bulma/
blob: 192dfa6d2739d3d339b39d48beda84ac4993b245 (plain) (tree)

# [Bulma](

Bulma is a **modern CSS framework** based on [Flexbox](

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<a href=""><img src="" alt="Bulma: a Flexbox CSS framework" style="max-width:100%;" width="600"></a>

## Quick install

Bulma is constantly in development! Try it out now:

### NPM

npm install bulma


### Yarn

yarn add bulma

### Bower

bower install bulma

### Import
After installation, you can import the CSS file into your project using this snippet:

import 'bulma/css/bulma.css'

### CDN


Feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request.

## CSS only

Bulma is a **CSS** framework. As such, the sole output is a single CSS file: [bulma.css](

You can either use that file, "out of the box", or download the Sass source files to customize the [variables](

There is **no** JavaScript included. People generally want to use their own JS implementation (and usually already have one). Bulma can be considered "environment agnostic": it's just the style layer on top of the logic.

## Browser Support

Bulma uses [autoprefixer]( to make (most) Flexbox features compatible with earlier browser versions. According to [Can I use](, Bulma is compatible with **recent** versions of:

* Chrome
* Edge
* Firefox
* Opera
* Safari

Internet Explorer (10+) is only partially supported.

## Documentation

The documentation resides in the [docs](docs) directory, and is built with the Ruby-based [Jekyll]( tool.

Browse the [online documentation here.](

## Related projects

| Project                                                                              | Description                                                                            |
| [Bulma with Attribute Modules](   | Adds support for attribute-based selectors                                             |
| [Bulma with Rails](                      | Integrates Bulma with the rails asset pipeline                                         |
| [Vue Admin (dead)](                                  | Vue Admin framework powered by Bulma                                                   |
| [Bulmaswatch](                                  | Free themes for Bulma                                                                  |
| [Goldfish (read-only)](                                      | Vault UI with Bulma, Golang, and Vue Admin                                             |
| [ember-bulma](                               | Ember addon providing a collection of UI components for Bulma                          |
| [Bloomer](                                                    | A set of React components for Bulma                                                    |
| [React-bulma](                              | React.js components for Bulma                                                          |
| [Buefy](                                                     | Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma                                    |
| [vue-bulma-components](               | Bulma components for Vue.js with straightforward syntax                                |
| [BulmaJS](                                      | Javascript integration for Bulma. Written in ES6 with a data-* API                     |
| [Bulma-modal-fx](                          | A set of modal window effects with CSS transitions and animations for Bulma            |
| [Bulma Stylus](                            | Up-to-date 1:1 translation to Stylus
| [Bulma.styl (read-only)](                                    | 1:1 Stylus translation of Bulma 0.6.11                                                        |
| [elm-bulma](                               | Bulma + Elm                                                                            |
| [elm-bulma-classes](                     | Bulma classes prepared for usage with Elm                                              |
| [Bulma Customizer](                              | Bulma Customizer &#8211; Create your own **bespoke** Bulma build                       |
| [Fulma](                                       | Wrapper around Bulma for [fable-react](  |
| [Laravel Enso](                                 | SPA Admin Panel built with Bulma, VueJS and Laravel                                    |
| [Django Bulma](                             | Integrates Bulma with Django                                                           |
| [Bulma Templates](                         | Free Templates for Bulma                                                               |
| [React Bulma Components](            | Another React wrap on React for                                               |
| [purescript-bulma](                      | PureScript bindings for Bulma                                                          |
| [Vue Datatable](                        | Bulma themed datatable based on Vue, Laravel & JSON templates                          |
| [bulma-fluent](                              | Fluent Design Theme for Bulma inspired by Microsoft’s Fluent Design System             |
| [csskrt-csskrt](                               | Automatically add Bulma classes to HTML files                                          |
| [bulma-pagination-react](  | Bulma pagination as a react component                                                  |
| [bulma-helpers](                            | Functional / Atomic CSS classes for Bulma                                              |
| [bulma-swatch-hook](            | Bulma swatches as a react hook and a component                                         |
| [BulmaWP (read-only)](                                       | Starter WordPress theme for Bulma                                                      |
| [Ralma](                                               | Stateless Ractive.js Components for Bulma                                              |
| [Django Simple Bulma](         | Lightweight integration of Bulma and Bulma-Extensions for your Django app              |
| [rbx](                                                    | Comprehensive React UI Framework written in TypeScript                                 |
| [Awesome Bulma Templates](           | Free real-world Templates built with Bulma                                             |
| [Trunx](                                                      | Super Saiyan React components, son of awesome Bulma, implemented in TypeScript         |
| [@aybolit/bulma](  | Web Components library inspired by Bulma and Bulma-extensions                          |
| [Drulma](                                      | Drupal theme for Bulma.                                                                |
| [Bulrush](                                       | A Bulma-based Python Pelican blog theme                                                |
| [Bulma Variable Export](                                       | Access Bulma Variables in Javascript/Typescript in project using Webpack                                                |
| [Bulmil](                                       | An agnostic UI components library based on Web Components, made with Bulma & Stencil.                                                |
| [Svelte Bulma Components](                                       | Library of UI components to be used in [Svelte.js]( or standalone.                                                |
| [Bulma Nunjucks Starterkit](                                       | Starterkit for Nunjucks with Bulma.                                                |

## Copyright and license

Code copyright 2020 Jeremy Thomas. Code released under [the MIT license](
