path: root/public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass
diff options
authorAdam Carpenter <>2019-10-26 15:33:52 -0400
committerAdam Carpenter <>2019-10-26 15:33:52 -0400
commit3be4959623190f0bb6d880fe1fc2a9c187c4171e (patch)
tree0e0007d1b3953b0c209b526ffd20583412ed28be /public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass
parent92f4799f50c94f2de1d3d94b0fb20ff6d93614eb (diff)
Updated Bulma!
Diffstat (limited to 'public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 602 deletions
diff --git a/public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass b/public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass
index c944b75..3122dc4 100644
--- a/public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass
+++ b/public/css/_sass/elements/form.sass
@@ -1,602 +1 @@
-$input-color: $grey-darker !default
-$input-background-color: $white !default
-$input-border-color: $grey-lighter !default
-$input-height: $control-height !default
-$input-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
-$input-placeholder-color: rgba($input-color, 0.3) !default
-$input-hover-color: $grey-darker !default
-$input-hover-border-color: $grey-light !default
-$input-focus-color: $grey-darker !default
-$input-focus-border-color: $link !default
-$input-focus-box-shadow-size: 0 0 0 0.125em !default
-$input-focus-box-shadow-color: rgba($link, 0.25) !default
-$input-disabled-color: $text-light !default
-$input-disabled-background-color: $background !default
-$input-disabled-border-color: $background !default
-$input-disabled-placeholder-color: rgba($input-disabled-color, 0.3) !default
-$input-arrow: $link !default
-$input-icon-color: $grey-lighter !default
-$input-icon-active-color: $grey !default
-$input-radius: $radius !default
-$file-border-color: $border !default
-$file-radius: $radius !default
-$file-cta-background-color: $white-ter !default
-$file-cta-color: $grey-dark !default
-$file-cta-hover-color: $grey-darker !default
-$file-cta-active-color: $grey-darker !default
-$file-name-border-color: $border !default
-$file-name-border-style: solid !default
-$file-name-border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0 !default
-$file-name-max-width: 16em !default
-$label-color: $grey-darker !default
-$label-weight: $weight-bold !default
-$help-size: $size-small !default
- @extend %control
- background-color: $input-background-color
- border-color: $input-border-color
- color: $input-color
- +placeholder
- color: $input-placeholder-color
- &:hover,
- &.is-hovered
- border-color: $input-hover-border-color
- &:focus,
- &.is-focused,
- &:active,
- &.is-active
- border-color: $input-focus-border-color
- box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow-size $input-focus-box-shadow-color
- &[disabled],
- fieldset[disabled] &
- background-color: $input-disabled-background-color
- border-color: $input-disabled-border-color
- box-shadow: none
- color: $input-disabled-color
- +placeholder
- color: $input-disabled-placeholder-color
- +input
- box-shadow: $input-shadow
- max-width: 100%
- width: 100%
- &[readonly]
- box-shadow: none
- // Colors
- @each $name, $pair in $colors
- $color: nth($pair, 1)
- &.is-#{$name}
- border-color: $color
- &:focus,
- &.is-focused,
- &:active,
- &.is-active
- box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow-size rgba($color, 0.25)
- // Sizes
- &.is-small
- +control-small
- &.is-medium
- +control-medium
- &.is-large
- +control-large
- // Modifiers
- &.is-fullwidth
- display: block
- width: 100%
- &.is-inline
- display: inline
- width: auto
- &.is-rounded
- border-radius: $radius-rounded
- padding-left: 1em
- padding-right: 1em
- &.is-static
- background-color: transparent
- border-color: transparent
- box-shadow: none
- padding-left: 0
- padding-right: 0
- display: block
- max-width: 100%
- min-width: 100%
- padding: 0.625em
- resize: vertical
- &:not([rows])
- max-height: 600px
- min-height: 120px
- &[rows]
- height: initial
- // Modifiers
- &.has-fixed-size
- resize: none
- cursor: pointer
- display: inline-block
- line-height: 1.25
- position: relative
- input
- cursor: pointer
- &:hover
- color: $input-hover-color
- &[disabled],
- fieldset[disabled] &
- color: $input-disabled-color
- cursor: not-allowed
- & + .radio
- margin-left: 0.5em
- display: inline-block
- max-width: 100%
- position: relative
- vertical-align: top
- &:not(.is-multiple)
- height: $input-height
- &:not(.is-multiple):not(.is-loading)
- &::after
- @extend %arrow
- border-color: $input-arrow
- right: 1.125em
- z-index: 4
- &.is-rounded
- select
- border-radius: $radius-rounded
- padding-left: 1em
- select
- +input
- cursor: pointer
- display: block
- font-size: 1em
- max-width: 100%
- outline: none
- &::-ms-expand
- display: none
- &[disabled]:hover,
- fieldset[disabled] &:hover
- border-color: $input-disabled-border-color
- &:not([multiple])
- padding-right: 2.5em
- &[multiple]
- height: auto
- padding: 0
- option
- padding: 0.5em 1em
- // States
- &:not(.is-multiple):not(.is-loading):hover
- &::after
- border-color: $input-hover-color
- // Colors
- @each $name, $pair in $colors
- $color: nth($pair, 1)
- &.is-#{$name}
- &:not(:hover)::after
- border-color: $color
- select
- border-color: $color
- &:hover,
- &.is-hovered
- border-color: darken($color, 5%)
- &:focus,
- &.is-focused,
- &:active,
- &.is-active
- box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow-size rgba($color, 0.25)
- // Sizes
- &.is-small
- +control-small
- &.is-medium
- +control-medium
- &.is-large
- +control-large
- // Modifiers
- &.is-disabled
- &::after
- border-color: $input-disabled-color
- &.is-fullwidth
- width: 100%
- select
- width: 100%
- &.is-loading
- &::after
- @extend %loader
- margin-top: 0
- position: absolute
- right: 0.625em
- top: 0.625em
- transform: none
- &.is-small:after
- font-size: $size-small
- &.is-medium:after
- font-size: $size-medium
- &.is-large:after
- font-size: $size-large
- @extend %unselectable
- align-items: stretch
- display: flex
- justify-content: flex-start
- position: relative
- // Colors
- @each $name, $pair in $colors
- $color: nth($pair, 1)
- $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
- &.is-#{$name}
- .file-cta
- background-color: $color
- border-color: transparent
- color: $color-invert
- &:hover,
- &.is-hovered
- .file-cta
- background-color: darken($color, 2.5%)
- border-color: transparent
- color: $color-invert
- &:focus,
- &.is-focused
- .file-cta
- border-color: transparent
- box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba($color, 0.25)
- color: $color-invert
- &:active,
- &.is-active
- .file-cta
- background-color: darken($color, 5%)
- border-color: transparent
- color: $color-invert
- // Sizes
- &.is-small
- font-size: $size-small
- &.is-medium
- font-size: $size-medium
- .file-icon
- .fa
- font-size: 21px
- &.is-large
- font-size: $size-large
- .file-icon
- .fa
- font-size: 28px
- // Modifiers
- &.has-name
- .file-cta
- border-bottom-right-radius: 0
- border-top-right-radius: 0
- .file-name
- border-bottom-left-radius: 0
- border-top-left-radius: 0
- &.is-empty
- .file-cta
- border-radius: $file-radius
- .file-name
- display: none
- &.is-boxed
- .file-label
- flex-direction: column
- .file-cta
- flex-direction: column
- height: auto
- padding: 1em 3em
- .file-name
- border-width: 0 1px 1px
- .file-icon
- height: 1.5em
- width: 1.5em
- .fa
- font-size: 21px
- &.is-small
- .file-icon .fa
- font-size: 14px
- &.is-medium
- .file-icon .fa
- font-size: 28px
- &.is-large
- .file-icon .fa
- font-size: 35px
- &.has-name
- .file-cta
- border-radius: $file-radius $file-radius 0 0
- .file-name
- border-radius: 0 0 $file-radius $file-radius
- border-width: 0 1px 1px
- &.is-centered
- justify-content: center
- &.is-fullwidth
- .file-label
- width: 100%
- .file-name
- flex-grow: 1
- max-width: none
- &.is-right
- justify-content: flex-end
- .file-cta
- border-radius: 0 $file-radius $file-radius 0
- .file-name
- border-radius: $file-radius 0 0 $file-radius
- border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px
- order: -1
- align-items: stretch
- display: flex
- cursor: pointer
- justify-content: flex-start
- overflow: hidden
- position: relative
- &:hover
- .file-cta
- background-color: darken($file-cta-background-color, 2.5%)
- color: $file-cta-hover-color
- .file-name
- border-color: darken($file-name-border-color, 2.5%)
- &:active
- .file-cta
- background-color: darken($file-cta-background-color, 5%)
- color: $file-cta-active-color
- .file-name
- border-color: darken($file-name-border-color, 5%)
- height: 100%
- left: 0
- opacity: 0
- outline: none
- position: absolute
- top: 0
- width: 100%
- @extend %control
- border-color: $file-border-color
- border-radius: $file-radius
- font-size: 1em
- padding-left: 1em
- padding-right: 1em
- white-space: nowrap
- background-color: $file-cta-background-color
- color: $file-cta-color
- border-color: $file-name-border-color
- border-style: $file-name-border-style
- border-width: $file-name-border-width
- display: block
- max-width: $file-name-max-width
- overflow: hidden
- text-align: left
- text-overflow: ellipsis
- align-items: center
- display: flex
- height: 1em
- justify-content: center
- margin-right: 0.5em
- width: 1em
- .fa
- font-size: 14px
- color: $label-color
- display: block
- font-size: $size-normal
- font-weight: $label-weight
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-bottom: 0.5em
- // Sizes
- &.is-small
- font-size: $size-small
- &.is-medium
- font-size: $size-medium
- &.is-large
- font-size: $size-large
- display: block
- font-size: $help-size
- margin-top: 0.25rem
- @each $name, $pair in $colors
- $color: nth($pair, 1)
- &.is-#{$name}
- color: $color
-// Containers
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-bottom: 0.75rem
- // Modifiers
- &.has-addons
- display: flex
- justify-content: flex-start
- .control
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-right: -1px
- &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)
- .button,
- .input,
- .select select
- border-radius: 0
- &:first-child:not(:only-child)
- .button,
- .input,
- .select select
- border-bottom-right-radius: 0
- border-top-right-radius: 0
- &:last-child:not(:only-child)
- .button,
- .input,
- .select select
- border-bottom-left-radius: 0
- border-top-left-radius: 0
- .button,
- .input,
- .select select
- &:not([disabled])
- &:hover,
- &.is-hovered
- z-index: 2
- &:focus,
- &.is-focused,
- &:active,
- &.is-active
- z-index: 3
- &:hover
- z-index: 4
- &.is-expanded
- flex-grow: 1
- &.has-addons-centered
- justify-content: center
- &.has-addons-right
- justify-content: flex-end
- &.has-addons-fullwidth
- .control
- flex-grow: 1
- flex-shrink: 0
- &.is-grouped
- display: flex
- justify-content: flex-start
- & > .control
- flex-shrink: 0
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-bottom: 0
- margin-right: 0.75rem
- &.is-expanded
- flex-grow: 1
- flex-shrink: 1
- &.is-grouped-centered
- justify-content: center
- &.is-grouped-right
- justify-content: flex-end
- &.is-grouped-multiline
- flex-wrap: wrap
- & > .control
- &:last-child,
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-bottom: 0.75rem
- &:last-child
- margin-bottom: -0.75rem
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-bottom: 0
- &.is-horizontal
- +tablet
- display: flex
- .label
- font-size: inherit
- +mobile
- margin-bottom: 0.5rem
- +tablet
- flex-basis: 0
- flex-grow: 1
- flex-shrink: 0
- margin-right: 1.5rem
- text-align: right
- &.is-small
- font-size: $size-small
- padding-top: 0.375em
- &.is-normal
- padding-top: 0.375em
- &.is-medium
- font-size: $size-medium
- padding-top: 0.375em
- &.is-large
- font-size: $size-large
- padding-top: 0.375em
- .field .field
- margin-bottom: 0
- +tablet
- display: flex
- flex-basis: 0
- flex-grow: 5
- flex-shrink: 1
- .field
- margin-bottom: 0
- & > .field
- flex-shrink: 1
- &:not(.is-narrow)
- flex-grow: 1
- &:not(:last-child)
- margin-right: 0.75rem
- box-sizing: border-box
- clear: both //fixes the icon floating out of the input when help text is floated right
- font-size: $size-normal
- position: relative
- text-align: left
- // Modifiers
- &.has-icons-left,
- &.has-icons-right
- .input,
- .select
- &:focus
- & ~ .icon
- color: $input-icon-active-color
- &.is-small ~ .icon
- font-size: $size-small
- &.is-medium ~ .icon
- font-size: $size-medium
- &.is-large ~ .icon
- font-size: $size-large
- .icon
- color: $input-icon-color
- height: $input-height
- pointer-events: none
- position: absolute
- top: 0
- width: $input-height
- z-index: 4
- &.has-icons-left
- .input,
- .select select
- padding-left: $input-height
- left: 0
- &.has-icons-right
- .input,
- .select select
- padding-right: $input-height
- right: 0
- &.is-loading
- &::after
- @extend %loader
- position: absolute !important
- right: 0.625em
- top: 0.625em
- z-index: 4
- &.is-small:after
- font-size: $size-small
- &.is-medium:after
- font-size: $size-medium
- &.is-large:after
- font-size: $size-large
+@warn "The form.sass file is DEPRECATED. It has moved into its own /form folder. Please import sass/form/_all instead."