path: root/pgm7/ttt.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pgm7/ttt.tcl')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pgm7/ttt.tcl b/pgm7/ttt.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c6fc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgm7/ttt.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# ttt.tcl
+# Adam Carpenter - 2017 - acarpent -
+# Utilizes code from P. Kearns
+# **** Initialize Variables ****
+global soundFlag; set soundFlag 1
+global playerSide; set playerSide -
+global playerHandle; set playerHandle (Player1)
+global opponentHandle; set opponentHandle (Player2)
+global myTurn; set myTurn 0
+# **** Initialize Procedures****
+proc resignMatch {} {
+ global myTurn
+ global playerSide
+ if {$myTurn == 1} {
+ set myTurn 0
+ puts stdout R
+ flush stdout
+ }
+proc soundToggle {} {
+ global soundFlag
+ set soundFlag [expr $soundFlag * -1]
+ if {$soundFlag > 0} {
+ .buttonFrame.soundButton configure -text "Silent"
+ } else {
+ .buttonFrame.soundButton configure -text "Sound"
+ }
+proc exitMatch {} {
+ exit 0
+proc playerMove {tag} {
+ global myTurn
+ global playerSide
+ global array taken
+ if {$myTurn == 1} {
+ set myTurn 0
+ puts stdout $tag
+ flush stdout
+ }
+proc beep {} {
+ global soundFlag
+ if {$soundFlag > 0} {
+ bell
+ bell -nice
+ }
+# **** Main ****
+# Create canvas.
+canvas .gameCanvas -width 300 -height 300 -bg white
+# Create board spaces.
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 0 0 100 100 -fill white -outline white -tag 1
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 100 0 200 100 -fill white -outline white -tag 2
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 200 0 300 100 -fill white -outline white -tag 3
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 0 100 100 200 -fill white -outline white -tag 4
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 100 100 200 200 -fill white -outline white -tag 5
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 200 100 300 200 -fill white -outline white -tag 6
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 0 200 100 300 -fill white -outline white -tag 7
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 100 200 200 300 -fill white -outline white -tag 8
+.gameCanvas create rectangle 200 200 300 300 -fill white -outline white -tag 9
+# Bind board spaces with rectangles.
+.gameCanvas bind 1 <Button-1> {playerMove 1}
+.gameCanvas bind 2 <Button-1> {playerMove 2}
+.gameCanvas bind 3 <Button-1> {playerMove 3}
+.gameCanvas bind 4 <Button-1> {playerMove 4}
+.gameCanvas bind 5 <Button-1> {playerMove 5}
+.gameCanvas bind 6 <Button-1> {playerMove 6}
+.gameCanvas bind 7 <Button-1> {playerMove 7}
+.gameCanvas bind 8 <Button-1> {playerMove 8}
+.gameCanvas bind 9 <Button-1> {playerMove 9}
+# Draw board grid.
+.gameCanvas create line 100 0 100 300 -width 4
+.gameCanvas create line 200 0 200 300 -width 4
+.gameCanvas create line 0 100 300 100 -width 4
+.gameCanvas create line 0 200 300 200 -width 4
+pack .gameCanvas
+# Set up game status frame and labels.
+frame .statusFrame -width 300 -height 100 -bg grey
+pack .statusFrame -expand 1 -fill x
+label .statusFrame.playerStatus -text "?" -bg grey -fg white
+label .statusFrame.vs -text "VS" -bg grey -fg white
+label .statusFrame.opponentStatus -text "?" -bg grey -fg white
+label .statusFrame.gameStatus -text "\nAwaiting match..." -bg grey -fg white
+pack .statusFrame.gameStatus -expand 1 -fill x -side bottom
+pack .statusFrame.playerStatus -expand 1 -fill x -side left
+pack .statusFrame.vs -expand 1 -fill x -side left
+pack .statusFrame.opponentStatus -expand 1 -fill x -side left
+# Set up button frame and buttons.
+frame .buttonFrame
+pack .buttonFrame -expand 1 -fill x
+button .buttonFrame.soundButton -text "Silent" -command soundToggle
+button .buttonFrame.resignButton -text "Resign" -command resignMatch -state disabled
+button .buttonFrame.exitButton -text "Exit" -command exitMatch -state disabled
+pack .buttonFrame.soundButton .buttonFrame.resignButton .buttonFrame.exitButton -expand 1 -fill x -side left