path: root/hw6/src/ray.cpp
blob: 18c839d13c30a1bcb0d939b055305f0f2d64d3ff (plain) (tree)

/* This file is part of the homework assignments for CSCI-427/527 */
/* at The College of William & Mary and authored by Pieter Peers. */
/* No part of this file, whether altered or in original form, can */
/* be distributed or used outside the context of CSCI-427/527     */
/* without consent of either the College of William & Mary or     */
/* Pieter Peers.                                                  */

#include "ray.h"

// Constructors //
ray::ray(const vec3d& origin, const vec3d& direction)
  _origin = origin;
  _direction = normalize(direction);

ray::ray(const ray& r)
  _origin = r._origin;
  _direction = r._direction;

// Operators //
ray& ray::operator=(const ray& r)
  return *this;

vec3d ray::operator()(float t) const
  return _origin + t*_direction;

float ray::operator()(const vec3d& point) const
  return - _origin);

// Mutators //
ray& ray::transform(const transformation3d& t)
  _origin = t.transformPoint(_origin);
  _direction = t.transformDirection(_direction);
  return *this;

ray& ray::inverseTransform(const transformation3d& t)
  _origin = t.inverseTransformPoint(_origin);
  _direction = t.inverseTransformDirection(_direction);
  return *this;

// Private Methods //
void ray::_swap(ray& r)
  swap(_origin, r._origin);
  swap(_direction, r._direction);

void ray::_assign(const ray& r)
  _origin = r._origin;
  _direction = r._direction;