path: root/.config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config')
4 files changed, 20 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/.config/i3blocks/config b/.config/i3blocks/config
index 3717346..87c294f 100644
--- a/.config/i3blocks/config
+++ b/.config/i3blocks/config
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ interval=1800
diff --git a/.config/rofi/config b/.config/rofi/config
index e2080b8..7ee01c9 100644
--- a/.config/rofi/config
+++ b/.config/rofi/config
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ rofi.width: 25
rofi.lines: 25
rofi.columns: 1
rofi.font: Iosevka Etoile 14
-rofi.color-normal: #0c0c09, #fcffff, #0c0c09, #96b9cb, #fcffff
-rofi.color-urgent: #0c0c09, #d6b48d, #22231D, #d6b48d, #fcffff
-rofi.color-active: #0c0c09, #7ebaff, #0c0c09, #7ebaff, #0c0c09
-rofi.color-window: #0c0c09, #96b9cb, #677f8c
+rofi.color-normal: #0f2030, #fffffc, #0f2030, #9fc1cb, #fffffc
+rofi.color-urgent: #0f2030, #d6b48d, #22231D, #d6b48d, #fffffc
+rofi.color-active: #0f2030, #ade2f9, #0f2030, #ade2f9, #0f2030
+rofi.color-window: #0f2030, #9fc1cb, #6d858c 5
rofi.location: 0
rofi.padding: 5
diff --git a/.config/wpg/sequences b/.config/wpg/sequences
index ecae36a..9a8995d 100644
--- a/.config/wpg/sequences
+++ b/.config/wpg/sequences
@@ -1 +1 @@
-]4;0;#0c0c09\]4;1;#B4C7E4\]4;2;#B8C6DA\]4;3;#CEC5AB\]4;4;#A4B7D4\]4;5;#9BA0A6\]4;6;#7193C7\]4;7;#dbdee0\]4;8;#28281e\]4;9;#c7f3ff\]4;10;#d0f6ff\]4;11;#ffffc5\]4;12;#bce8ff\]4;13;#b4ceec\]4;14;#7ebaff\]4;15;#fcffff\]10;#fcffff\]11;[90]#0c0c09\]12;#fcffff\]13;#fcffff\]17;#fcffff\]19;#0c0c09\]4;232;#0c0c09\]4;256;#fcffff\]708;[90]#0c0c09\ \ No newline at end of file
+]4;0;#0f2030\]4;1;#C4BCB0\]4;2;#B5C6CB\]4;3;#D8CBB7\]4;4;#ACB9C4\]4;5;#AEB1B2\]4;6;#96A8B0\]4;7;#e0e1dd\]4;8;#1a3956\]4;9;#fff9cc\]4;10;#d2ffff\]4;11;#ffffd0\]4;12;#c7f2ff\]4;13;#cbf1fe\]4;14;#ade2f9\]4;15;#fffffc\]10;#fffffc\]11;[90]#0f2030\]12;#fffffc\]13;#fffffc\]17;#fffffc\]19;#0f2030\]4;232;#0f2030\]4;256;#fffffc\]708;[90]#0f2030\ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/wpg/templates/i3.base b/.config/wpg/templates/i3.base
index c216586..72e27f2 100644
--- a/.config/wpg/templates/i3.base
+++ b/.config/wpg/templates/i3.base
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ smart_borders no_gaps
title_align center
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
-# Note: if there's only one container, give it a 4:3-ish aspect ratio
-gaps horizontal 220
+# If there's only one container, give it a 4:3-ish aspect ratio
+gaps horizontal 250
smart_gaps inverse_outer
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ bindsym $mod+shift+$right move right
bindsym $mod+shift+$up move up
# resize
-bindsym $mod+i resize grow height 30 px or 10 ppt
-bindsym $mod+o resize grow width 30 px or 10 ppt
-bindsym $mod+u resize shrink height 30 px or 10 ppt
-bindsym $mod+y resize shrink width 30 px or 10 ppt
-bindsym $mod+minus gaps outer current minus 10
-bindsym $mod+plus gaps outer current plus 10
-bindsym $mod+shift+minus gaps inner current minus 10
-bindsym $mod+shift+plus gaps inner current plus 10
+bindsym $mod+i resize grow height
+bindsym $mod+o resize grow width
+bindsym $mod+u resize shrink height
+bindsym $mod+y resize shrink width
+bindsym $mod+minus gaps inner current plus 10
+bindsym $mod+plus gaps inner current minus 10
+bindsym $mod+shift+minus gaps horizontal all set 250
+bindsym $mod+shift+plus gaps horizontal all set 0
# split direction
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ bindsym $mod+f fullscreen toggle
bindsym $mod+shift+w layout tabbed
bindsym $mod+shift+e layout toggle split
-# toggle tiling / floating
+# toggle tiling / floating / sticky
bindsym $mod+shift+space floating toggle
bindsym $mod+s sticky toggle
bindsym $mod+shift+s floating toggle; sticky toggle