BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
cgiAdd 'drafts/adding-value.php'Adam T. Carpenter4 years
makefinished CV 1.0, added some infoAdam T. Carpenter4 years
masterfeat: flying tunes and update nowAdam T. Carpenter6 months
resumeupdate skills with horizontal listsAdam T. Carpenter15 months
routingchore: organize pages and use router/renderer, organize assets53hornet3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2021-12-11chore: organize pages and use router/renderer, organize assetsrouting53hornet
2021-12-10feat: custom routing, no required php in posts53hornet
2021-12-09fix: remove old favicon, no images in repo anymore, update rss image53hornet
2021-12-09feat: updated svg favicon53hornet
2021-12-09feat: add links index, leftify dates on index53hornet
2021-12-09feat: add links to nav, add linking book svg53hornet
2021-12-09Delete 'monero-wallet-cli.core'Adam T. Carpenter
2021-12-06feat: add roma draft53hornet
2021-12-06fix: pre overflow auto53hornet
2021-12-06fix: pre overflow53hornet